Thursday, July 19, 2007

Introducing Tsehay!

Well after four months and 12 days of waiting we received a referral for a gorgeous 9 month old girl named Tsehay (Sah - High) She is beautiful and healthy. She weighs 16 lbs and is 69cm tall. She was born on October 1st, 2006 which means we will have two October birthdays! She is from a small farming town in the southern region of Ethiopia called Shinshicho. She entered the care center in Addis Ababa on May 31st.
She is sitting up by herself and has met most of the developmental milestones for her age. Her personality is described as "Playful".

We are now waiting for an Ethiopian judge to declare she is ours. This will hopefully happen before the courts close sometime in the beginning of august. Lets keep our fingers crossed!
Here she is:

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